Generation and Render of 2D Map with Terrain in Dart + Flutter. Adding Forest Spots. Part 2
In Part 1 we created all needed methods to generate map with Grass and River. In this part we will add Forest spots to the map. A lot of code is reused from Part 1 but it is gradually enhanced step-by-step.
Final Result
The forest is added in different points and different shapes:
Refactor previous methods
Before we start jumping into Forest, we need to enhance code written in previous part.
One of the things I did not like about it was that we directly accessed tiles list via indexes. We had to play with rows/columns/x/y variables and place them into correct spots.
With refactoring all manipulations with tiles is now done via special methods:
MapTile tileAtPoint(Point point) {
return tiles[point.y][point.x];
void setTileAtPoint(Point point, MapTile tile) {
tiles[point.y][point.x] = tile;
void setTile(MapTile tile) {
tiles[tile.y][tile.x] = tile;
We no longer operate with pure x/y/row/col variables. All coordinates are instances of class Point (from dart:math).
For example, getting random point on map returns Point:
Point _getRandomPoint() {
var col = Random().nextInt(width - 1);
var row = Random().nextInt(height - 1);
return Point(col, row);
With these enhancements the code looks less mathy and more OOPish.
Forest specifications
- Forest can occupy empty tiles (that are currently grass)
- It cannot occupy or cross the river
- Forest can grow in other not yet occupied tiles.
addForest method
Implementing these requirements is pretty straightforward given that you also already wrote some useful utility functions :)
void addForest() {
ForestMapTile forest;
// amount of tries to pick the spot for forest
var tries = 10;
while (tries-- > 0) {
var point = _getRandomPoint();
var tile = tileAtPoint(point);
if (tile.type != MAP_TILE_TYPES.GRASS) {
// first tile of the new forest spot
forest = ForestMapTile(x: point.x, y: point.y);
// with 75% change grow the forest in random direction
while (willGrow(75)) {
var nextPoint = _nextPoint(Point(forest.x, forest.y));
var nextTile = tileAtPoint(nextPoint);
if (nextTile.type == MAP_TILE_TYPES.GRASS) {
forest = ForestMapTile(x: nextPoint.x, y: nextPoint.y);
setTileAtPoint(nextPoint, forest);
// forest growing is done
willGrow method is enhanced and allows to provide % for success as input argument
bool willGrow(int chance) {
var next = Random().nextInt(100);
return next <= chance;
Another useful method is _nextPoint. It returns a nearby point to the given input point:
Point _nextPoint(Point point) {
var decision = leftDownRight();
var nextX = point.x;
var nextY = point.y;
if (decision == 0) {
nextY = nextY + 1;
if (decision == -1) {
nextX = nextX - 1;
if (decision == 1) {
nextX = nextX + 1;
// truncate out of bounds values back to point inside the map
if (nextX >= width) {
nextX = width - 1;
if (nextY >= height) {
nextY = height - 1;
if (nextX < 0) {
nextX = 0;
if (nextY < 0) {
nextY = 0;
return Point(nextX, nextY);
Adding forest to the map
Another method addForests is used to generate multiple forest spots:
void addForests() {
timesRepeat is an Extension for int type:
extension TimesRepeat on int {
void timesRepeat(Function f) {
for (var i = 0; i < this; i++) {
Create map with river and forest
Now you can call addRiver and addForests methods to initialize map:
final WorldMap map = WorldMap(width: 20, height: 20)
The map generated map looks something like this:
In Part 3 we will generate lakes and further refactor existing functions. Stay tuned!