Loca Deserta: Sloboda 2. Big January Update

Loca Deserta: Sloboda 2. Big January Update


We just published the second content update for our game Sloboda 2.

This update is free for anyone who already purchased our game.

If you want to purchase it, then pick your platforms:

Apple App Store: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/loca-deserta-sloboda-2/id1642505646

And Google Play Store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.dmytrogladkyi.Sloboda

If you already completed the game, you can still load your old save and find new quests and the new bard. We have dozen other slight changes, so even replay is an option :)

Some News

This content update was published because we saw enormous interest in our game among Ukrainian players. We were holding Top positions in Casual and RPG categories for 9 weeks. And even tried to fight with Minecraft in Top Paid Games.

Don't miss news about our game: http://tiktok.com/@locadeserta, and telegram: https://t.me/locadesertachumaki . Or twitter: https://twitter.com/locadeserta

What's included?

New Quests

This was one of the most common requests from our players. We have added three new NPCs with 3 new quests each. Explore the map and find these new lovely scenes!

  • A treasure hunter:

A veteran:

  • And a hard-working woman:

New Bard

We have recorded another track for our new bard. This is our fourth unique track so far!

Find him near the sea. Or join our Telegram channel and get all the news and secrets before the release: t.me/locadesertachumaki

New Effects

We have added a camera shader that slightly changes the picture. The objects become sharper and more focused.

Compare this scene with the shader on:

And off:

More Animations

Pigs, rabbits, horses: they all get their animations! No more static objects!

When you build/upgrade the funny animation is played:

And much more!