
Building game with Flutter

This is the series related to my experience building game with Flutter and Dart. It is basically a diary. At first I implement feature and then add a post about it.

Articles in this series

🇺🇦Дизайн та реалізація механізму подій в покроковій грі "Слобода"
Design and Implementation of Event System in City Building Turn Based Game in Dart+Flutter
🇺🇦 Дизайн та імплементація ігрової механіки на основі задач в грі "Дике Поле: Слобода"
Generation and Render of 2D Map with Terrain in Dart + Flutter. Part 1.
Generation and Render of 2D Map with Terrain in Dart + Flutter. Adding Forest Spots. Part 2
Generation and Render of 2D Map with Terrain in Dart + Flutter. Adding Lakes. Part 3